Jamie Aug ENews

Jamie O’Reilly August Enews
Read as a Mail Chimp ENewsletter https://mailchi.mp/8fcd416d4e2a/jamie-august-enews-anne-hills-artist-of-the-month-our-michael-a-quiet-anniversary-5276935

  • Anne Hills: SongNotes, 8/15 and
    Roots Woman Artist of the Month 
  • August 3rd.  Michael, a quiet anniversary
  • September Roots in the Garden Concert
  • WFMT Folkstage rebroadcast Michael Smith Memorial 
  • Héritage Familial – Roots in Ireland Update
Jamie in Denver

August, 2021
A Note from Jamie

Writing from Denver. 
Visiting my bro Willem and his partner Diane. Good to be somewhere else with the anniversary of Michael’s passing this Tuesday. He was very present at our Tre Kronor Soiree. I sang Hey, Kid just steps from where we breakfasted together last May, and he fed bread to the sparrows. Rich Warren will rebroadcast of our Folkstage Memorial Concert, Sat. August 7.  Roots Woman Artist of the Month is Anne Hills, who brings songs from her Accidental August recording to S.P.A.C.E. Sun. August 15, with pianist Fred Simon.  – Peace, Jamie

Remembering Michael Smith
September 7, 1941 – August 3, 2020

Accidental August nods and moves another pawn
Just as day is breaking, night descends at dawn
Weeks and months of moments lived, lost in fogs of gray
Freezing rain on summer streets
Takes your breath away

Accidental August, Anne Hills

SongNotes: Anne Hills
Accidental August

Anne Hills and Al Power’s recording is a seamless and lovely collaboration. Anne pulls you into the most intimate crevices of the heart with the instincts of a pro, promising a peaceful refuge once you’ve arrived.  

(Read Jamie’s full blog) https://www.jamieoreilly.com/songnotes-anne-hills-accidental-august/


Roots in the Garden
Summer’s End Concert
Sun. Sept 12, 4:00 PM

Jamie O’Reilly, Vocals
John Erickson, Piano

Pratt Blvd in Rogers Park (private home)
Tickets online at 

Roots in Ireland Project 2020 Update
Anne Hills is this month’s Roots Woman Artist of the Month. 
Visit her website annehills.com. Read my 2018 blog about her: 

Each month during the Roots project, I choose a woman owned business or artisan to feature. May was Iwona Biedermann: Dreambox Foto, June was Vicky Blanas: Lawrence Dean’s Bakery. July was Patty Rasmussen: Tre Kronor Swedish Bistro & Sweden Shop.

Do you have a business or decorative artisan you’d like to recommend?