Jamie sings for Midsummer at Tre Kronor

Jamie O’Reilly’s Roots 2020 in Ireland project supports woman owned businesses and artisans.

July is Tre Kronor Swedish Bistro and its sister store Sweden Shop. 

This concert was sold out! Here’s a note I received.

“Thanks for the beautiful songs on an absolutely perfect summer evening! We had a lovely time. Wanted to send you this photo— sweetest setting ever!  I wasn’t able to capture the sparrows and lightening bugs fluttering about, but we certainly felt like we were in a magic place.” (Mary Lewis)

Tre Kronor Swedish Bistro
& The Sweden Shop
3258 W. Foster Ave. Chicago IL 60625

Owner Patty Rasmussen (who is half Irish and half Norwegian, and one of 10 children), and husband Larry are hosting us for the Roots in the Garden Series Midsummer Soiree!  This is an evening concert in the lovely garden — where nasturtiums and herbs grow among the cosmos.

John Erickson and I will perform a selection of jazzy and old world classic songs, and folktunes, including some Swedish gems.  Patty has designed a special menu of light Scandinavian fare, including homemade breads and summer desserts, with fresh berries and cream!

The event is sold-out!  Contribute to this project!

Jamie’s connection
I’ve been a customer at Sweden Shop and Tre Kronor for a while.
The shop is my go-to place for cards, fabric and truly special children’s books. The holiday ornaments are beautiful and hand-picked by a Swedish supplier.

We had Nia’s baby shower in the quaint upstairs room at the restaurant in cold January, when we needed something fun and different so soon after the month-long “How O’Reilly’ do Christmas.”

When the pandemic hit, the garden was the last place Michael and I went before he knew he was sick. He fed the sparrows his last bit of toast.  Patty brought us a homemade cardamon bun. 

At Christmas of 2020, pre-vaccine, I stood on the stoop outside the gift shop and window-shopped for Christmas cards. The clerk brought them to me outside. 

WFMT Studio is just down the street from Tre Kronor.  The restaurant is a regular advertiser on the air, and contributes to the fundraisers.  How exciting that we can bring our music to this lovely place!